Westminster’s music program seeks to encourage and support children in cultivating their own relationship with music. This is accomplished by guided playful exploration and expression. Our goal is to help each child experience a variety of sequential musical elements. We plant the seeds for them to understand steady beat, timbre, dynamics, and melodic singing through different songs, rhymes, and activities. This approach promotes authentic learning and ensures that each child will enter elementary school with the tools needed for musical success.

The use of various instruments is an important part of music classes. Children learn how to identify and play different percussive instruments and melodic instruments are also introduced. We incorporate songs for holidays, celebrations, and different cultures; as well as movement activities.

Music is a unique part of the school day and we hope your children look forward to their music time throughout the week. Our aim is to cultivate a love of music and a positive association with music class as we play, sing and create together. We know that music activates all areas of the brain. Music has ties to Science, Math, Foreign Language, History, Physical Education and Art; all neatly rolled into one package that is both educational and enjoyable! Westminster embraces music as an element that is conducive to learning and also supports your child’s social-emotional journey through their preschool years.

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